Monday, January 26, 2009

Leading from behind

OK, so I am working on module 2, yeah, I know, overachiever. The final wrap up project is to create a faculty meeting hour on leadership. I am fuddled here. I have been brainstorming, but am beating my head against a wall. My problem? I have never been to a faculty workshop that I enjoyed or felt I learned from. I asked my colleagues today, and they agreed. One person said they'd been to a workshop where they enjoyed getting concrete things they could use in the classroom. But let's face it. Cynasism rules the day for faculty workshops. I am not asking anyone to solve this, more just looking to vent.

But here is a question/concern about teacher leadership. For this faculty meet thing the culmination is to be everyone volunteering to serve on some committe to improve this imaginary school. I can hear the complaints of getting more work out of us for no pay. And it isn't volunteering if they require it. I know I need to convince people that in the long run it will save them time and energy. Guess it is just challenging my brain right now.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blogging about blogging

A couple of years ago a friend of mine dropped that she was addicted to this thing called blogging. She spoke of other blogs she read and commented on. I must admit it sounded like an online journal. One everyone, gasp, could read and comment on.
Early last school year, as our school went through some very public mistakes, an online blog came to my attention. Obviously one of our community members, he went on to air our dirty laundry and ask for comments. I was a silent reader of the information. It was a tad addicting. One day we went on lock-down, and I didn't know why. That afternoon I went on that blog and there it was! Better than the local newspaper. Of course as a silent member of the blog I was not yet part of the Read/Write web our text (Blogs, Wikis, podcasts...- Richardson) is bragging about.

I do remember, long ago, being part of a bulletin board on crafting. Somewhat similar concept?