Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blogging about blogging

A couple of years ago a friend of mine dropped that she was addicted to this thing called blogging. She spoke of other blogs she read and commented on. I must admit it sounded like an online journal. One everyone, gasp, could read and comment on.
Early last school year, as our school went through some very public mistakes, an online blog came to my attention. Obviously one of our community members, he went on to air our dirty laundry and ask for comments. I was a silent reader of the information. It was a tad addicting. One day we went on lock-down, and I didn't know why. That afternoon I went on that blog and there it was! Better than the local newspaper. Of course as a silent member of the blog I was not yet part of the Read/Write web our text (Blogs, Wikis, podcasts...- Richardson) is bragging about.

I do remember, long ago, being part of a bulletin board on crafting. Somewhat similar concept?


  1. Yeah, I think your experience as a "silent reader" paints an important message about how you never know who's reading your blog and the importance of thinking about what you're posting. Too many people use this forum for the opportunity to rant and rave. Hopefully ITsers can prove that otherwise this semester, though I can see how easy it could be to type, type, type away about what's on your mind including your dissatisfaction with something.

  2. Harry Potter I would have never thought that you would be in to that type of reading...Wow:)
