Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3 more days til spring break...

Is it really a break or a transference of time to another slew of work. There are so many little things to do I don't know where to start. Time is the enemy all of a sudden. When I chose my units to do for my practicum it was off last years timeline. But teaching the first practicum pushed my time line back and now I'll be lucky to teach the next one before it is due! Yikes! I have a reputation and sanity to uphold. I've completely stopped worrying about covering the SOLs, now I just want to get through my practicum.

I know we've been here many times, so much to do and way to little time. We've worked through it before, and will this time too. :) Besides, we all pass, right? :)


  1. Right in the same boat with you...we are all paddling down the same stream. I've spent my entire break working on my portfolio, and realized I have to finish teaching my second unit when we return. I have enjoyed reading your blog! See you in May!

  2. I feel I am in the same boat. We've learned from the past four semesters that any amount of work we have saved for the end, we can finish. There is a finish line and the end is in site. I wish you the best and am here if you need anything. Good luck!
