Saturday, March 14, 2009

Life before... and after?... ITS?

Here I am sitting in a hotel room in Valley Forge, VA, working on my Practicum and Portfolio. What did I used to do on these hockey weekends before this class? It is at this point that I wonder how I'll get it all done, but know that it will happen. As cut backs and salary freezes happen at school there is more talk to "working to the contract". Our school is discussing stopping EPED pay. One of the school board members hopes we will just volunteer our time. Keep hoping. Suppose I should be happy I have a job. I'll work on that.
This will make you happy, our soft deadline for the first practicum was last weeks class. I missed it. I'm still fussing with it. Oh well. Anyone else having issues? I'm getting to the point where I just need to turn it in, but I don't want Priscilla to have to read garbage.

So this post was nonsense, sorry, not much to respond to!


  1. Hey, you! I, too, have wondered what I would do with a free weekend when this experience is over; and I'm coming up with a blank at this point because I still have a ton to get done before thon...I mean, then. ;)
    As for the practicum reflection, write up what you have. Not everything works out to perfection; we learn more from the attempts and mistakes anyway. I'm sure it was great unit. Good luck!

  2. I too wonder what I'll do next, maybe restart the Netflix account I put on hold a while back? And my practicum keeps going, the students don't want to quit, they come up with new ideas to prolong the lesson.
    You're not the only one and it is nice to see others in the class concerned for getting everything done in time. Just don't look at Brian's Blog, the countdown is just plain scary!

  3. Shanae you are definately not the only one! I'm in complete panic mode. Several of my Lo. cohorts have taken a day off just to work on their portfolios...and all I can think of is that I'm not finished teaching my practicum units, much less writing them up! :-( I've got all fingers and toes crossed that I have a job next year...I know I'm on the chopping block if it gets down to desparate levels...oh well, hopefully with a Master's degree finding another job will be easier.
    By the way..your blog has been great!

  4. I'm there too...and I got the first practicum done besides the data last week and haven't been able to get back to it since! Having it hanging over my head is almost worse than actually doing it all. But I know we can do it! Just think - you're at least done the one course :)
