Monday, February 16, 2009

Data Drives me Crazy!

So, in module 3 we get to dig into some data, find a problem and create a solution. Struggle, struggle....

Our school seems to say, as they did today, "Oh, professional development day, go dig into the SOL test scores and figure out a way to bring them up a percent we determine."

We then stare at numbers that are often lacking in context or complete information and try to come up with a plan. I don't need to tell you how frustrating it is! I don't think our administration knows how to look at the data either, so they throw it down to us for solutions.

Normally our solutions are pretty generic, like adding more test vocabulary, or time line study, but without data follow up or training it doesn't seem to go far.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on that! I think most schools do the same thing and hope a miracle happens. I'm still baffled by the lack of reasoning in goal setting for grade improvement. For example, some schools are to the point where they have to set a goal of 99% pass rate on SOL tests. Crazy!
    The other baffling feature is the lack of consideration for the upcoming group's needs. The data dictates the previous group struggled in (let's just say) Math; does that mean we have to increase the Math scores for the next group of students coming in? what if they have always scored well in this area and require more in language arts or science. I hear you...and suggest that when data is looked at it that it does not simply pertain to last year but rather to the requirements of the current group. Sorry, thanks for letting me rant a little.
