Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blah on Blogging

I have been very bad with this blogging thing. Truthfully, I just forget about it. While I seem to be on the computer endlessly, my forays have purpose. My husband can wander, blog, search all night long until I drag his cold, dead body away from the computer. Not me. Get my work done. Oh well. Total digital immigrant. Think I'll ever change? The idea of twittering makes me twittery....


  1. I am definitely with you. I don't spend the time because I am having a hard time thinking of new things to say. I want my posts to have a purpose and after reading the books, I haven't done much else with those topics. After May 16?? :)

  2. I agree that I think the reason this is so hard for us is that we have a million other things on our mind. Maybe once we graduate we will be able to experiment with blogging some more.
