Sunday, February 8, 2009

wiki or not to wiki, is it a question?

Thursday a friend who is currently working on the phd program for ITS came up to me to talk about wikis. My son is actually a student in her World History 2 class, so they have been doing all the cool technology applications we are currently studying. He was excited, well, as excited as a 15-year old boy can ever be, about the pod casts they just completed. So, anyway, we were discussing how to use wikis. It seems to me I keep trying to plug these things in as final assessments. Like we discussed creating a wiki for a chapter, where, like we are doing in class, everyone is responsible for adding on to pieces. However, do I want this as a research on their own part and fill it in or as a end review? I have contemplated introducing wikis to them by having them create a survival guide to my classroom for next years class. That might be fun and interesting for me to read!


  1. I think the survival guide is a fun idea. You could have students build onto it year after year. I also like the idea of using the wiki as an end review. The other 6th grade teacher and I are planning on having the students create a wiki to review for their Social Studies SOL test. We will probably use a similar format to the one we use in class. We need to make sure we present it right, as to play it up as more of a fun thing, than just reviewing for the SOL test.

  2. Wow, both you and Lachance have some great ideas and uses for wikis. The review concept really puts students in a position where they have to learn the material and know it well enough to input info. Plus, it can also serve as another assessment project for your grading purposes, which could be good for students who do not always do well on standardized tests.

  3. Lachance! My kids so need to check out your wiki! We probably do the same types of topics!!
